281. Professional Equipment (Fourth Update)_1

Why is extreme sports always called a costly endeavor?

Actually, many people like to refer to parkour as the extreme sport for the common man, as if to imply that those who practice parkour are all very poor. Ren He doesn't agree with this view. The spirit of sport knows no class or dignity; those who push their limits are not necessarily inferior to anyone else.

Can someone who wingsuit flies perform the 8.5-meter long leap called the 'cat grab' that Ren He did in the video "Anything is Possible"? They cannot.

However, the fact is that extreme sports do burn a hole in the pocket. Let's not even talk about the training costs; just a custom-made flying squirrel suit alone costs over 200,000 yuan.

Moreover, this suit is not like a sled—it has to be tailored specifically for you. Otherwise, you might just jump and suddenly realize, oh my, these sleeves are a bit long!

By the time you think of rectifying everything, it's usually a concern for your next life...