029. Every wrong has a perpetrator, every debt has a creditor_1

"Did something just float by just now?"

Lu Ban's voice in the video seemed a bit tense.

The camera zoomed in as he approached the entrance of the emergency corridor and looked down at the ground.

"There's a newspaper here, strange, it wasn't here just a moment ago..."

Lu Ban reached out and picked up the newspaper.

Qin Tiantian always felt something terrifying would come into view once the camera angle was raised, so she hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands, peering through her fingers at the screen.

"The newspaper talks about the incident that happened here, it seems there's another story behind this fire..."

Lu Ban briefly flipped through the newspaper, then walked towards the stage.

"The fire was caused by an electrical switch in the backstage area catching fire, let's go check it out."

Qin Tiantian mustered the courage to look at the screen, not directly at Lu Ban's video but at the barrage of comments in her own live streaming room.