066. I didn't threaten them (Vote for more chapters at dawn!)_1

Once he had pried open the door, Lu Ban saw two people standing inside, a man and a woman, both dressed in simple cloth garments, their expressions numb. From the moment Lu Ban entered, their gaze had been warily fixed on him.

"Hello, I'd like to ask how to get to Dried Water Town?"

Lu Ban quickly scanned the room. Despite it being the largest house in the village, it still seemed cramped. Other than a wooden plank bed, a table, two chairs, a kitchen counter, and a cabinet, there wasn't much else of note.

"Dried Water Town... that way, just follow the road straight ahead."

The man's face was overcast as he replied, a mix of fear and anger in his demeanor as he pointed out the road.

"I get the feeling you're not too welcoming to us. Is it because we want to go to Dried Water Town?"

Lu Ban pressed on with another question as he moved closer to the kitchen counter to inspect the items on top.

Dried fish, flour, rice, and the like.

"Dried Water Town is not... auspicious..."