089. Is this melon guaranteed to be ripe?_1

When Qin Tiantian awoke, what she saw was a familiar ceiling.

She found herself covered with a thin blanket, lying on a somewhat hard bed.

Still groggy from sleep, Qin Tiantian quickly noticed the brilliant sunlight streaming in from the window, while Lu Ban was sitting in front of the computer, seriously watching a horror movie in which only one dog died from beginning to end, occasionally pausing, replaying, and drawing diagrams on a tablet with a pen, taking notes.

"...Is this my place or yours?"

Qin Tiantian blurted out.

She was even somewhat slow to realize that her first reaction was not to check if her clothes were properly worn.

Of course, her clothes were neatly put on.

"Of course it's my place. You fainted from fright last night, and since I didn't know where you lived and it wasn't convenient to go back and disturb the police officers who were working on the case, I had to carry you back here."