094. Can you give me a lift?_1

The moment Lu Ban heard He Youwu's words, the lights in his room flickered for a moment, then went out.

The room plunged into darkness, with only the moonlight streaming through the window, bringing spots of brilliance.

"Hello, hello, can you... see, can you..."

The signal on the cellphone seemed to be malfunctioning, He Youwu's voice becoming twisted and interrupted, and soon there was no sound at all from the receiver.

Lu Ban saw that the signal had turned into a cross, indicating that he was unable to contact the outside world now.

"No wonder no one rents the villas around here, it turns out to be a haunted house."

Lu Ban murmured to himself.

"I heard that haunted houses are very cheap, maybe I could swap for a set if I could buy one?"

He quite liked the outdoor swimming pool.

Lu Ban glanced at the yard, the water in the swimming pool seemed even thicker and deeper under the moonlight, like it was stained with blood.