138. Wash hands frequently, ventilate more, and avoid crowded places_1

[Task begins]

[Task requirement: Enter Nanhua Private Renji Hospital, survive until daybreak]

[Remaining time: 13:06:54]

[Task requirement: Find Du Danping's Melody Fragment 0/1]

"Six o'clock in the morning, huh?"

Just like the previous experience at the Jiangcheng Grand Theater, surviving until daybreak meant he had to live until six o'clock the next day.

As Lu Ban walked into the hospital lobby, he saw a black box tied to the central column.

Upon closer observation, he realized it was explosives.

Lu Ban had previously suggested to Song Yunyan the idea of having a demolition team install explosives; it seemed they had already prepared them in advance.

The hospital was in disarray, with some uncollected forms, posters, broken chairs, and shattered equipment littering the floor. Normally, such items would be cleared before demolition or simply discarded with the ruins, neglected by everyone.