168. I think you can be my ......_1

Outside Yannan Media University, a restaurant with a per capita consumption that is slightly higher than the average college student's budget.

Lu Ban sat at a table by the window, waiting. He wasn't paying attention to the TV in the restaurant that was broadcasting the news; instead, he looked outside, where he could see pedestrians coming and going downstairs, many of whom were young people, clearly students from Yannan Media University.

Yannan Media University is a nationally renowned institution in the film and media industry, with many TV hosts, actors, and directors among its alumni.

The opening ceremony and award event of this year's Yannan University Student Film Festival were both to be held here, and Lu Ban naturally chose a hotel nearby — it was affordable and imbued with a youthful vibe.

More importantly, no one stuffed small paper notes through the door at night.