187. Do you want to watch yourself being eaten?

Lu Ban had seen a movie before where they also locked a group of people in an incubation room for bugs to parasitize them, and the creatures eventually burst out of their bodies.

But apparently, the ritual here was a bit more macabre.

On those eggs, Lu Ban saw tiny tentacles.

These tentacles writhed like octopus arms, extending from the tops of the eggs in all directions, as if they wanted to capture something.

From the tops, these viscous, greasy, dark-colored eggs began to split open, and within those tentacles, some kind of creature seemed to be gestating.

"Can we just blow these things up directly?"

Without waiting for them to hatch completely, Lu Ban asked Shia.

For some reason, the people in the movies always had to watch these creatures hatch before taking action, and Lu Ban didn't understand what kind of serious illness they had. If it were him, he would decisively turn them to dust.

"No problem."

Shia raised her right hand, seemingly holding something in her palm.