204. Go to an appointment_1

"Cry" ended its opening day box office at forty million. With a meager screening share of around three percent, this was already an exceptional feat. While some industry insiders suggested this high attendance rate might be due to the word-of-mouth from its film festival screenings and the advantage of midnight showings, the trend over the following days proved many wrong.

On the second day after its release, "Cry" accounted for five percent of the national theater screenings, with its box office nearing sixty million.

On the third day, cinema chains under Jiangcheng Industries increased the screenings of "Cry" and cancelled some of the locked sessions, converting them to "Cry" showings instead. They even offered free movie tickets for "Cry" to those audiences whose sessions were cancelled. That day, "Cry" held over seven percent of screenings and its box office surpassed eighty million. Breaking one hundred million was merely a matter of time.