212. Cooperative Mission (Add More for Alliance Hierarch "In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit")_1

Walking out of the coffee shop, Lu Ban let out a sigh.

Picking up his phone, he made a call to Li Zijian.

"Hello, how did the talk go?"

Li Zijian asked.

"Brother Li, are these really Sister Song's friends?"

Lu Ban countered.

"What happened?"

Li Zijian was a bit bewildered.

"The demands they're making are just too bizarre."

Lu Ban found a quieter corner of the street, watching people bustling around, preparing for the Spring Festival, then spoke up.

"First, something about Sanwen Interactive; they want me to cast several of their talents in my next movie. I casually looked over them, they're all inexperienced idols — I can't handle that."

"Oh, they probably want to promote their artists through your movie."

Li Zijian realized.

"The second one is some beverage maker. They want me to advertise their drink in my next film. I even gave it a try; the taste is indescribable. I can't, in good conscience, deceive people,"

Lu Ban continued.