221. Sanity-3_1

It was obvious that someone or some creature was on the second floor.

Cui Siter became alert and drew his trusty revolver, checking the bullets.

Lu Ban manifested "Testament," ready to blast it at a moment's notice.

Shia looked at the two, puzzled.

"What are you doing?"

She asked softly.

"We need to be careful as we approach..."

Cui Siter hadn't finished speaking when he saw Shia raise her left hand.

Her small frame suddenly burst forth with immense force, and she leaped up, slamming the ceiling with her left hand with the swiftness of a thunderclap.

Thump thump thump—

Following the sound of something piercing the ceiling to reach the second floor, Lu Ban clearly saw several small holes, as thick as fingers, appear in the wooden ceiling.

Boom boom boom boom—

The next moment, a series of explosions went off, shaking loose a great deal of dust.

"Pah pah pah... What are you doing?"

Cui Siter spit the dust from his mouth and looked up at the second floor.