276. Goal, five billion!_1

The slanting sun of the afternoon shone through the half-closed curtains onto the bed, where one could see dust particles floating in the air and, coming from afar, the sound of someone's child practicing the piano. The technique was unrefined and stilted, but at least the notes were struck accurately, suggesting that given time, delightful melodies could surely be played.

Downstairs, the buzz of the community information exchange hub could also be heard—that is, the sound of the old men and women listening to the radio, basking in the sun, and chatting.

The quiet and peaceful world made Lu Ban feel somewhat surreal.

It was as though he had suddenly returned from the battle-scarred frontlines to his tranquil hometown.

Yet at least the Night Country still existed a century after the point in time he had traveled from.

With his mind at ease, Lu Ban suddenly became curious.