290.Pohnpei Island_1

Under normal circumstances, it's not possible for a person to drown themselves; when the head is submerged in water to a certain extent, the body will instinctively struggle to break free from the water's surface.

Therefore, holding someone else's head under water to drown them requires a great deal of strength, as the person's struggle is most intense at that time.

Yet, Captain Gustaf had held down his own head to drown himself.

This was truly bizarre.

Lu Ban did some more searching and found that among those who had experienced the Star Cluster incident, there was a remarkably high rate of mental illness, self-harm, and suicide. Some experts believed the oppressive atmosphere at the time had led to the onset of these mental health issues. Some victims' families organized protests, seeking more compensation from the cruise ship owner. There were also instances of fraudsters who were caught faking mental illness, which made the whole affair even more confusing and uncertain.