311. Mixing fake with real effects_1

One of Lex's friends, Lais, who was a film producer, saw the wolf as towering as mountains, and the last shred of doubt in the depths of his heart was dispelled.

The fur of the giant wolf, that texture, simply couldn't be achieved by an ordinary special effects studio.

Replicating hair had always been a huge challenge for special effects teams. At the beginning of the century, a leading company in the industry almost went bankrupt trying to create realistic hair for their project, nearly closing its doors for good.

Even now, most movies opt for cheaper, more conservative solutions for virtual characters' hair, either fixing the hair into place with only a few preset motion paths or, if resources allow, creating separate models for subtle movements. Gone are the days when effects studios would painstakingly animate every strand of hair regardless of the cost, often to little acclaim.

Yet, the fur on this giant wolf was rendered down to the finest detail.