399. Dream_1

The streets of the Abandoned Capital at night, where poverty meets wealth, still resonate with the sounds of factory operations.

After a long silence, there was a dull, heavy reverberation, followed closely by the sounds of pistons and gears, then came a burst of fragmented noise, and finally, it returned to calm, waiting for a while before the cycle repeated itself.

Lu Ban thought of trains, the overnight sleeper trains, listening to the clacking of wheels on the tracks, it was just as noisy and rhythmic.

He lay on the ground, the blanket borrowed from Cui Siter wasn't particularly warm, but thankfully the weather in Abandoned Capital wasn't cold either. The smog permeating through the poor districts had a greenhouse effect, making the air warm and moist, but living here long-term would assuredly lead to lung-related diseases, inflicting deep damage to the body.

After midnight, Shia prayed and then began to sleep soundly, even snoring loudly, which somewhat surprised Lu Ban.