881. Nuclear Fusion Bazooka

Within the cosmos, though civilizations varied in form, some things were quite similar.

For instance, the primary energy source for most planets was their respective star, the constellations of their galaxies.

Namely, the nuclear fusion at the heart of the sun.

The energy released from these fusions supplied the majority of life-sustaining planets, propelling the progress of civilizations.

Of course, there were also a few extraordinarily unique Foreign Domains where life forms fed on different substances, such as extreme emotions or the products of dreams, tainted by Pollution.

But even the origins of these fed ultimately from the sun's provided energy.

Thus, for the vast majority of civilizations, the power of the sun could be considered the ultimate weapon.

The Octopus People were no exception.

Their world also had a sun; therefore, once the Octopus People ended their protracted wars and ventured into space, they too studied their star.