Chapter 3: Xu Changsheng's Profile_1

After returning to the office, Xu Changsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Honestly, the humanoid 64-slice CT scanner had a profound impact on him.

This mysterious and bizarre world... he thought about the experiences he had in just a few short hours today.

A bizarre heart capable of creating illusions!

Metal eyeballs with built-in X-ray vision!

Feeling the tangible changes brought by the heart's transformation.

With these thoughts, Xu Changsheng's eyes held an indescribable meaning.

It was nearing quitting time, and everyone was gradually getting ready to leave. Xu Changsheng's return hadn't drawn anyone's attention.

This was a good thing for him; at least he wouldn't be disturbed. With that in mind, Xu Changsheng opened the Virtual Space.

He saw the "Grade G Hidden Mechanical Arm Skill and Blueprint" laid out before him.

Xu Changsheng chose to use it straight away!

As complex information flooded into his mind.

Xu Changsheng's eyes lit up with excitement.

With a wealth of transformation information flooding his mind, he distinctly felt the power that knowledge brought.

This intricate knowledge system made Xu Changsheng brim with anticipation for this world for the first time!

In his previous life, Xu Changsheng was a top medical expert, but precisely because of this, he knew all too well that many things eluded scientific explanation.

As many experts have said, the current pace of scientific development can only explain and explore about five percent of the world's matter.

What could the world possibly be like?

However, this world was completely different!

Technology had advanced and explained many phenomena that were inexplicable in his previous life.

The strange and bizarre allowed humanity to continually break its upper limits.

It was even possible that humans were not the strongest species!

All this unknown and mystery constantly stimulated Xu Changsheng's nerves!

Having become a top surgeon in his past life, he was never one to shy away from a challenge.

Since he could not change the fact that he had traveled through time, rather than fear and worry, the urgent task at hand was to understand his current situation and prepare for self-preservation. That was the most important!

Moreover, Xu Changsheng even considered a possibility: maybe... the people of this world could really touch the limit of humanity!

At this thought, Xu Changsheng could feel his heart pounding excitedly.

It was adrenaline surging through his veins!

Dopamine was being secreted!

For a moment, Xu Changsheng suddenly felt that this world would probably be very interesting!


At this time, he began to examine the blueprint information.

"Grade G Hidden Mechanical Arm Blueprint: A detachable hidden mechanical arm developed using neuron linkage technology, significantly enhancing offensive and defensive capabilities as well as flexibility. Refer to the finished product for specific information.

Friendly reminder: Technology can not only free your hands but also add more arms—you can equip multiple mechanical arms simultaneously!"

"Materials needed for the Mechanical Arm: 1. Cross-pattern Neuron Connector; 2. Auto-retracting Cobalt-chromium Alloy; 3. Bionic Human Skin... (Of course, you can also purchase with cash directly: 1 million yuan!)"

After seeing the information on the blueprint, Xu Changsheng was somewhat surprised.

This was not like the arm modification he had imagined.

Rather, it was about adding a new arm to himself, and this arm had very high offensive and defensive attributes.

The most important thing was... he could equip multiple mechanical arms?

Having three heads and six arms?

Was this the Calabash Brothers or Nezha?!

With these thoughts, Xu Changsheng's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Just imagine, equipping oneself with a dozen mechanical arms, surgeries that previously required four or five people could now be handled by him alone!

Even if he encountered robbers, it would be difficult to be overwhelmed by numbers!

This world was so dangerous, and as a doctor, fitting himself with several mechanical arms shouldn't be excessive, right?!

The key point was that they could be concealed.


However, upon seeing the required materials, he widened his eyes. Had it not been possible to buy with money directly, Xu Changsheng might have cursed and quit the group chat in frustration.

Where would he collect these materials?

Even if converted into cash... it was not much better!

After all, a Grade G Mechanical Arm cost 1 million yuan apiece.

Given that his parents had both passed away a year ago, it was clear that living off his parents was not an option.

But then again, converting to cash would save him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After all, having traveled through time, there were many things he simply could not explain.

However, what was most important now was to understand what this mysterious system was and how it worked.

After all, it was his biggest reliance in this world.

If he didn't understand it, it would make him feel very insecure.

With a thought, Xu Changsheng accessed his system.

"Xu Changsheng's Profile: Record monsters, peculiar anomalies, and special items, and you will receive various levels of rewards. The higher the recording level, the richer the rewards!"

Xu Changsheng was stunned. When did I get a profile?

But the explanation was very straightforward.

It made him understand instantly.

"Name: Xu Changsheng.

Physical Strength (Strength, Stamina, Endurance, etc.): 5.

Reaction (Speed, Agility, Reaction, etc.): 6.

Skills: Grade G Mechanical Arm Modification.

Evaluation: Plain and unremarkable."

Indeed, it was plain and unremarkable.

No matter how much Xu Changsheng researched, he couldn't glean any more information.

It seemed he would have to wait until he encountered a monster.

At this time, it was already past five in the afternoon.

Everyone in the office had already left.

Xu Changsheng also prepared to get up and go home.

Of course, this home now only had Xu Changsheng by himself.

His parents had passed away in an accident a year earlier, and his sister was traumatized and had been living in a mental hospital for a long time, unable to return home.

This spared Xu Changsheng a lot of trouble.

After all, dealing with a sister was never an easy task.

If he hadn't died from the weirdness or been discovered by the August Research Institute, but rather was fratricidally slain by his own sister, that clearly wouldn't be good.

Although there was a distance from his home.

But unlike usual, he didn't take the subway or maglev home.

Instead, he decided to walk around and take a look at this unfamiliar world, to deepen his understanding en route.

Upon leaving the August Research Institute, Xu Changsheng was as full of curiosity as Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, finding everything fresh and interesting.

Buildings oozing with techno vibes, cars speeding past.

Glaring naked-eye 3D billboards.

It was like a scene out of a movie.

Xu Changsheng had seen these things on TV in his previous life.

But after a few steps, something huge in the sky caught Xu Changsheng's attention unwittingly.

It was a floating city in the air!

This genuinely startled Xu Changsheng.

"Hey, stop looking, show your ID! Cooperate with the investigation,"

an abrupt voice interrupted Xu Changsheng.

Only then did he turn around and see an armed policeman standing next to him, looking vigilant.

Xu Changsheng was first stunned, then quickly nodded and earnestly pulled out his ID from his pocket.

It was then he noticed there were many police officers on the streets, all armed.

He instantly understood that his unusual behavior would naturally attract the police.

You see, this is Bei City's A District!

A District, known for its security, technology, and prosperity.

The policeman directly inserted the ID into a device he carried, then scanned Xu Changsheng.

After a moment, when he finished reviewing Xu Changsheng's information and safety index, the stern look on his face immediately softened into a smile:

"Mr. Xu is an employee of the August Research Institute," he said affably, handing back the ID to Xu Changsheng: "Hurry home, public safety has been poor lately."

"Oh? What happened?" Xu Changsheng asked casually.

The policeman sighed with exasperation: "There's an increasing number of individuals with illegal modifications, and people invaded by the weirdness. They have low safety indexes and are typically irascible, often sparking fights. I expect there will be more tonight, but that's for the combat robots to deal with, we're off duty now!"

With that, he glanced at his watch, surprised: "Oh! Just five minutes left."

Xu Changsheng nodded, contemplating the officer's words, and said, "Thank you."

The policeman handed the ID to Xu Changsheng: "Mr. Xu lives in E District, better head back fast, come 10 o'clock, the robots won't care if you're with the August Research Institute or not."

Xu Changsheng took his ID, smiled, and said, "Working hard to earn money for a house in A District, eh."

The policeman laughed heartily and looked up alongside Xu Changsheng at the city floating in the sky, saying with longing, "It is said that life in the Special District is like that of gods, living there, every day is sheer enjoyment!"

"If you're going to buy, aim for the Special District!"

"But... those living up there are either rich or noble, without enough contribution value, there's no chance of moving up there."

This statement also stirred memories within Xu Changsheng.

The city floating in the sky turned out to be the Bei City Special District.

Inhabited by top-notch individuals with power and influence.

And Xu Changsheng's home lay in Bei City's E13 District, on the outskirts of the city.

Urbanization is a hallmark of human societal progress.

Bei City is vast, with A, B, C, D, E, and F Districts; his workplace, the August Research Institute, is located in A8 District.

It seems each district, like a social class, segregates people and their circles.

The advance of technology, rather than closing the wealth gap, has instead stretched it even further!

The A District far surpasses other areas in terms of security and prosperity.

In contrast, the E District where Xu Changsheng resides is akin to a dirty, messy old town, rife with gambling, theft, red-light districts, gunfights...

Thus, E District is also known as the City of Crime.

And F District is even worse, a slum forsaken by the city, populated only by those abandoned and those who have exiled themselves from society.

Even the police don't go there.

Essentially, a 'district' signifies your level of access in this city.

If your access is insufficient, you lack the privilege to remain in higher-grade districts from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome.

The policeman soon was off duty.

He couldn't wait to speed away on his motorcycle, apparently not wanting to stay a second longer.

Xu Changsheng strolled around.

Passing by a newly built residential area, he discovered that the construction tools had already been updated.

Moreover, most importantly, there were few people to be seen!

Mostly construction machinery and professional robots were present, performing simple menial tasks.

Robots have replaced mundane labor, increasing the number of young people on the streets with time to kill.

From A District to E District, Xu Changsheng seemed to be experiencing different eras.

This sensation was akin to traveling from New York in the USA to the City of Crime in Mexico, then to war-torn xly, and finally ending up in a slum.

Although the whole city is advanced, it gave him a clear sense of hierarchical boundaries.

And it was pervaded by a mood of stifling oppression.

No sense of vitality!

However, it was upon reaching E District at night that.

Xu Changsheng realized he was wrong, terribly wrong!

The city at night, like an awakening wild beast, only then began to unleash its wildness.

There was a blaze of neon lights everywhere, cigarettes, alcohol... Young people were venting the hormones they had nowhere to release.

On the way home, he witnessed five couples indulging in public displays of affection, seven or eight hustlers, three drug peddlers, a robbery, and two thefts!

However, Xu Changsheng turned a blind eye to all this.

A hero saving a damsel in distress?


Because Xu Changsheng felt he should be the beauty, not the hero.

Along the way, Xu Changsheng received many flyers and promotional papers.

No job offers, only promotions for bars, supermarkets, nightclubs, and restaurants.

Others were... organizations like mutual aid societies, assistance groups, and brotherhoods, and a few from various churches.

Clearly, people had too many emotions and relied on such organizations for release.