Chapter 8: Rich Rewards!_1

[Ding! Extraction complete!]

[Mission accomplished, reward obtained: Grade G Strange Facial Adhesion Extract, capable of slight facial adjustment, would you like to use it?]

Accompanied by the sound of a voice.

Xu Changsheng was first delighted, then immediately thought of something!

There were surveillance cameras in the room!

Changing his face here was akin to seeking death, wasn't it?

He quickly put the materials into the box, then pretended to have an urgent need to urinate and ran into the bathroom!

There was no surveillance in the bathroom!

Xu Changsheng found a stall, entered it, and immediately chose to use it!

A moment later, he distinctly felt his face subtly changing.

Without showing any sign of surprise, he picked up his phone and opened the camera to look at himself.

He began making slight alterations to his appearance.

Skin darker... nose sharper...

After a moment, a stranger's face appeared on the phone screen, bearing not even the slightest trace of Xu Changsheng.

At this, Xu Changsheng knew he had struck gold.

Following that, his mind moved.

Then, the entire screen on his phone began to blur.

He was thrilled to discover that this must be the so-called recording interference, right?

He quickly took a few photos.

In the images he took, his facial features were very blurry!

It was impossible to recognize it was him.

For a time, Xu Changsheng got excited.

This thing was definitely... great for robbing homes, no, for robbing the rich to aid the poor!

However, when he deactivated the feature, he soon found that the phone could capture images again.

It was actually controllable!

What a great item!

He really had found a treasure.

After tasting the sweetness, Xu Changsheng made a bold decision.

Should he go and take a closer look?


It was quite clear that casually inspecting the place would be irrational.

If surveillants saw it, they might cause trouble for him.

Better to prevent any issues before they arise!

Although he felt somewhat reluctant.

Xu Changsheng felt his greatest strength was his ability to control his desires.

After exiting the bathroom.

He stood up and went straight back to the office.

At that moment, the office was a flurry of activity.

After all, with so many people gone, there was more work to do.

One moment answering calls, the next writing medical records, and also dealing with patients—there was no time to rest.

At this time, a nurse walked in and said to a man:

"Doctor Wang, logistics has come to claim the unclaimed bodies."

Wang Ke furrowed his brow, "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Let them come another day!"

The nurse looked a bit wronged, "But... the storeroom is full, and there might be surgeries this afternoon... by then..."

Wang Ke also felt a headache rising, "Sigh, Director Xu isn't here, and I have a pile of things to deal with, I don't have time!"

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng's heart leapt with joy.

He walked over quietly, "Doctor Wang, let me help you verify them."

Seeing Xu Changsheng, Wang Ke's eyes brightened, "Would that be convenient?"

Xu Changsheng smiled, "What's the big deal!"

Wang Ke immediately smiled, looking more kindly at Xu Changsheng, "Thanks a lot, Xiao Xu, I'll treat you to a meal sometime! Today is just too busy!" While speaking, he pulled out a form from the drawer, "This is the master list, check against it."

"Make absolutely sure not to mistakenly handle a body with next of kin as an abandoned one, that would cause a huge problem."

"Be serious, check them one by one!"

Xu Changsheng was internally gleeful!

He was worried about not having an excuse!

He took the documents and returned to the storeroom again.

This time, he had a legitimate reason.

Xu Changsheng checked against the list, going from one to the next.

But... after checking ten, he found nothing!

Upon checking the eleventh!

[Grade G Strange Limb Adhesion Residue: Greatly enhances the strength and explosive power of the legs! Worth collecting!]

[Mission requirement: sample extraction!]

[Mission reward: Grade G Strange Limb Residual Extract, capable of enhancing leg strength by ten percent!]

Another find!

Xu Changsheng immediately became excited.

60 morgue cabinets.

Xu Changsheng decided not to let any go unchecked.

[Ding! Skin defense significantly enhanced!]

Xu Changsheng was momentarily stunned, hesitated with this reward, but still chose to use it!

After all, thick skin wasn't a flaw.


[Ding! Hearing increased by fifty percent!]

And so, Xu Changsheng stayed in the mortuary the entire morning.

After each task, he conscientiously recorded his findings.

His actions, as captured by the cameras, definitely showcased an exceptionally diligent and outstanding intern!

After checking all 60 morgue cabinets.

Xu Changsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His haul was rich indeed!

Facial transformation, increased leg muscle strength, enhanced skin defense, improved hearing...

All these were practical skills.

Especially... the thick-skinned face and facial transformation.

Upon returning to the office, Xu Changsheng handed the checklist over to Wang Ke.

"Teacher Wang, the inspection is complete, there are no issues!"

Wang Ke smiled, "Good, you've worked hard, Xiao Xu, I really owe you one."

Xu Changsheng smiled and waved his hand, then went back to his seat.

Sitting in his chair, Xu Changsheng suddenly felt full of ambition and set a goal for himself.

In ten days, thoroughly scour the August Research Institute C District!

Within a month, completely explore the entire institute!

The pity was, he could only access the mortuary of his own department; to visit other departments... his clearance was clearly insufficient.