Chapter 9: Can the Brain Still Think After Death?_1

It wasn't until after three in the afternoon that the department's staff finally returned.

But Xu Changsheng was surprised to find that it seemed everyone looked rather pale!

What on Earth could have happened?

At this moment, Zeng Qiang walked in. He glanced at everyone and said with a somewhat grave voice, "Everyone put your work on hold, I have something to say."

"Recently, some incidents have occurred within the August Research Institute, and the specific causes are still unclear, requiring confidentiality for the time being."

"However, everyone should remain on alert in the coming period, and report promptly if you or any patient experiences headaches or similar conditions."

After Zeng Qiang finished speaking, Xu Changsheng felt even more worried in his heart.

Could it be that the research institute also hadn't discovered the real cause?

After much thought, he decided to keep his own condition a secret.

After all... the situation was very unclear now, and if he reported it, there was a good chance he would be used as a guinea pig.

After he finished speaking, Zeng Qiang looked at the people present and suddenly began to call names.

"Wang Yue, Zhao Ze, Yang Huancheng... come with me."

After Zeng Qiang finished speaking, he prepared to lead the group out, when he suddenly caught sight of Xu Changsheng.

He hesitated for a moment before saying,

"You are Xu Changsheng, right? You come along too!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

Xu Changsheng was left completely baffled. What's going on?

Yang Huancheng was taken aback, clearly not expecting the director to have Xu Changsheng participate in surgery: "We're going to perform an autopsy on Lao Zhao's body, conduct a post-mortem examination and dissection. Be sharp!"

"And watch out, something's not right today, you must be very cautious."

Xu Changsheng's eyes lit up when he heard this!

He followed behind the group without saying a word.

Honestly, Zeng Qiang's sudden call was a bit of a pleasant surprise for him.

Perhaps he could obtain the clues he wanted through Lao Zhao's autopsy!

Thinking this, Xu Changsheng's heartbeat involuntarily quickened.

The dissection room was not far from here.

Zeng Qiang was going to autopsy the body of Lao Zhao, the doorman.

The accompanying team was a four-person surgical team led by Zeng Qiang.

Among the team was a middle-aged man with a pair of mechanical arms, not a smile in sight, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, seemingly distant from everyone. His name was Wang Yue, the team leader and Zeng Qiang's assistant.

When he saw Xu Changsheng, his gaze lingered on him for a few seconds, then, recalling yesterday's surgery, he said expressionlessly, "Don't hold us back."

Having said that, he was the first to enter the operating room.

Xu Changsheng was left in a state of shock.

Yang Huancheng, trailing with Xu Changsheng, tried to reassure him, "Don't take it personally, that's just how Group Leader Wang is."

"Remember though, once we're inside, observe a lot, think a lot, but speak little!"

It was evident that Yang Huancheng regarded Xu Changsheng highly.

Inside the operating room, the atmosphere was rather tense.

After all, with such a serious incident having occurred at the institute, it was like a dark cloud looming over everyone's head.

Nobody knew whether such an incident could also happen to them!

The most important thing now was to find a clue through the cause of death and then identify the real culprit.

The door to the operating room soon closed.

Zeng Qiang had a stern expression as he looked at every person present, scanning the room before speaking very gravely,

"Today's dissection is very important!"

"It concerns the honor of the August Research Institute."

"I hope everyone will pull yourselves together."

"The directive from our leaders above is to find clues as quickly as possible. I won't hide it from you all, there's a generous amount of August Contribution Value to be earned for completing this task!"

"And every one of you present will have a share!"

"Now, let's begin the dissection!"

"Remember, whatever you see here, don't talk about it outside!"

Zeng Qiang's words fell.

"Start the recording!"

The nurse nodded promptly.

Soon, surveillance footage appeared on the large screen in the operating room.

Lao Zhao's death scene was played on the television in the dissection room.

At 4:10 a.m., Lao Zhao suddenly woke up in his room, holding his head with his hands, hitting it fiercely, but obviously, this did nothing to alleviate the headache. So, he started banging his head against the floor and the walls!

"Bang, bang, bang"

The sounds of the impacts in the surveillance footage were eerily realistic!

Each collision was forceful!

He seemed utterly indifferent to the blood gushing forth.

Gradually, Lao Zhao, his head covered in fresh blood, collapsed into a pool of blood.

The entire scene was incredibly macabre!

Furthermore, the camera was so clear that even Lao Zhao's expressions of pain and despair were captured vividly!

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng felt as if his heart was being tossed by turbulent waves!

"The same! Exactly the same, both suffered from insane headaches!"

At this moment, Xu Changsheng became even more certain that his symptoms were probably the same as Lao Zhao's!

And at that time!

The silence in the office was almost terrifying.

After seeing that, almost everyone felt a chill down their spine, a sense of unease creeping over them.

This bizarre manner of death was just too mysterious.

Immediately, everyone started discussing.

"Doesn't it look like a case of psychosis?"

"It doesn't look like it! Moreover, mental illness requires a history, and the deceased had a clear record, without any history of mental illness, so we can rule that out!"

"Is there a kind of paranormal entity that directly attacks humans?"

Zeng Qiang immediately shook his head, "That doesn't fit with the nature of the paranormal entities; they have a symbiotic relationship with the human body..."

As he spoke, Zeng Qiang suddenly changed his expression, thinking of several possibilities, and said, "Unless..."

"This is an advanced paranormal entity's attack method!"

Zeng Qiang had been engaged in related work at the August Research Institute for many years and was very knowledgeable about the habits of paranormal entities.

After hearing Director Zeng's words, everyone was stunned!

Everyone started to ponder.

At that moment, Xu Changsheng felt very strongly about this possibility!

"Is there a possibility that this is a high-level paranormal entity attached to the human body, which has entered the late stage or even the terminal phase, and then launched an attack on ordinary people?" Zeng Qiang began to refine his judgment.

"That is to say, these people were just the paranormal entity's targets!"

Upon hearing Zeng Qiang's assessment, everyone's eyes lit up, and they nodded in agreement.

"Very likely!"


"This might be a type of paranormal entity that we have never recorded before!"

With these clues, everyone became somewhat excited.

After all, an unrecorded paranormal entity would have a high value for inclusion and could earn a significant amount of contribution value.

"Since it's an attack, there must be clues left behind, prepare for an autopsy!" Zeng Qiang immediately issued the order.

The team quickly got into a ready state.

The first step of an autopsy is the external examination of the body.

Under special lighting and chemicals.

Almost all traces have nowhere to hide.

However, the surface of the body was very clean, besides the neat autopsy incisions and injuries to the head from impact, there were no other visible defects.

Everyone did not expect to find any clues on the surface of the body.

Therefore, after the external examination, they immediately shifted their focus to the internal structures.

"Start with a radiographic examination!"

"Add a paranormal imaging test!"

Inside the operating room, all of these devices were readily available.

And Xu Changsheng couldn't help but admire that the hardware facilities of this era were truly remarkable.

This CT machine, it's just too clear.

I really want to take it back to Earth.

To everyone's disappointment, the test results were very ordinary, and they basically could not see any abnormal signals.

Therefore, the next step was to perform the internal examination, which is the dissection!

Just when Xu Changsheng thought they were going to use a large scalpel to open the chest, he was surprised to see a mechanical knife appear directly from Wang Yue's Mechanical Arm.

Very quickly! A "Y"-shaped incision had already been made on the chest.

From the shoulder joints of the two arms straight to the middle of the chest and extending downwards to the groin.

The incision was clean and precise!


Xu Changsheng stared at Wang Yue's Grade G Multifunctional Surgical Mechanical Arm, filled with envy. Such a good thing!

Not only was Xu Changsheng tempted.

The system was also very tempted!

[Grade G Multifunctional Surgical Mechanical Arm: A practical mechanical arm containing a variety of surgical instruments, with significant value for inclusion.]

[Mission requirement: Record information.]

[Completion reward: 1. Grade G Practical Surgical Mechanical Arm; 2. Reaction +1.]

Just like that, Xu Changsheng swallowed, continuing to pass the scalpel...

Xu Changsheng felt that as a surgeon, it would be very exciting to have an external mechanical arm like this.

However, he found it somewhat difficult to accept replacing his own hand with a mechanical arm.

After all, there were so many things that hands could do.

But... he had the schematic for a hidden external Mechanical Arm; maybe it could be modified...

The dissection work progressed deeper.

Organs were removed one by one for weighing and testing, taking samples, slicing for analysis, etc.

Each step was meticulously done!

Time ticked away by the second.

No abnormalities were found inside the thoracic cavity, and the situation was the same in the abdominal cavity!

Kidneys, liver, stomach contents, bile, urine... all the tests seemed quite normal.

However, everyone remained calm, as they had felt from the beginning that the key to the disease might lie within the skull!

Now, everyone was just waiting for the craniotomy to begin!

Wang Yue was the one to proceed.

This humanoid surgical Mechanical Arm was an undeniable temptation in front of Xu Changsheng.

But soon, as the skull was carefully lifted by Wang Yue's Mechanical Arm,

the scene before them left everyone astounded!

"What's going on here?"

"This... this... he's not dead?"

"What's happening?!"

At that moment, everyone clearly saw that the brain's internal structure was intact, and with the pulsation of the blood vessels, it seemed as if the brain was still breathing, pulsating...

This imagery was beyond everyone's expectation.

Lao Zhao was clearly... already dead, so why was his brain still functioning?!


ps: The book has been contracted and I hope everyone can give their support, and by the way... could use the monthly ticket.