Chapter 35: What Do You Know?_1

E13 District.

Second basement level.

Inside Xu Family Studio.

Xu Changsheng stared at the woman in front of him.

At this moment, she was still unconscious.

Xu Changsheng, however, had no inappropriate thoughts.

After all, what ill intentions could a doctor have? He merely wanted to purely analyze the structure of her body.

Honestly, those Grade D prostheses were just too tempting for him!

But Xu Changsheng was not some pervert who wanted to dissect people upon seeing them; he still had his principles and a bottom line.

He believed that the biggest difference between humans and animals was the ability to control one's desires.

Of course, tying someone up with wire and administering high voltage electricity was not to satisfy any inappropriate desires, but rather for self-protection!

After all, who could guarantee what the situation with this woman really was?

That's right!

Maybe giving an unconscious person some low-level electric stimuli could help them wake up?