Chapter 47: What does it feel like to have a club inside a hospital?_1

"Luo Xia!"

Xu Changsheng's eyes were fixated on Luo Xia battling in the air within the screen, his brow furrowed tightly!

Is it you?

Truth be told, Luo Xia bore some resemblance to the head chef when he was young.

Could the two have some sort of connection?

However, Xu Changsheng had been at the August Research Institute for almost half a year now.

Yet, he had never heard any news about Luo Xia!

However, the logo of the August Research Institute was indeed on Luo Xia's clothes.

This clearly indicated that there must be a connection between them.

But now, it was obvious that the various clues could not be connected at present; relying on appearances to judge a person was obviously unreliable.

Therefore, what was needed now were more accurate and powerful clues!

At this moment, the subway arrived at the station.

Xu Changsheng interrupted his thoughts and hurriedly boarded the train, after all, today was his first day in the new job.
