Chapter 66: Despair Leaves_1


Just at that moment, Xu Changsheng suddenly felt a chill down his spine.


He got goosebumps all over.

Did trouble find him as soon as he arrived?


Xu Changsheng suddenly felt the ground shake beneath him.

Came from below?

He instinctively dodged.

But he didn't expect to hear an eerie "cackle" of laughter from behind him.

When Xu Changsheng turned around, he saw it was Jing Chuxue.

She had plunged her Great Sword into the ground.

Xu Changsheng rolled his eyes and patted his chest, "Sister, scaring people like that can scare them to death!"

Jing Chuxue, completely lacking any image of grace, covered her stomach and continued to snicker, squinting at Xu Changsheng.

"Little Changsheng, how come you're such a scaredy-cat!"

"Not scared, not scared at all!"

"With so many people here to protect your safety, no need to be afraid!"

At this point, Jing Chuxue jumped up and patted Xu Changsheng on the head.

Afterward... she sighed!