Chapter 77: Who is the wolf? Who is the person!_1


Xu Changsheng gave Dong Tianhao a sheepish smile and said, "I got it wrong."

The other party hesitated for a moment, glanced at Jing Chuxue beside Xu Changsheng, smiled back, and said nothing.

Meanwhile, the doubts in Xu Changsheng's heart were growing.

Firstly, among the researchers who had died on site, there were piles of dismembered limbs, but not a single one was an Evolver or a cyborg.

Otherwise, why hadn't the system given any hints?

This was very unreasonable!

In a research institute in such an outskirt area, how could they all just be ordinary people?

Secondly, why were there slight discrepancies in the scenery?

Was it because someone had already explored the area and made changes to it?

Or was it because this place wasn't the main battlefield in the video at all?!

Thirdly, why was Dong Tianhao so sensitive upon hearing about wolf fur.

Without resolving these three questions, Xu Changsheng was definitely not going to let his guard down.