Chapter 90: Mechanic, I, Fan Erxu, Have Arrived! (Seeking First Subscriptions, Seeking Monthly Tickets!)_3

At that thought, Xu Changsheng decided he must sign up!

But before that, he needed to see if he had the strength for it.

To be honest, without a Grade D level, going there would be like a walk in the park for opponents.

It would be meaningless!

The phone call from Yang Tao today was quite informative.

It also made Xu Changsheng very excited.

However, the priority was still to strengthen himself as much as possible.

The first step was the mechanic certification!

Yang Tao's efficiency was really remarkable.

The next day, a letter of recommendation was delivered to Xu Changsheng's home.

The recommender's name wasn't Yang Tao, but someone named Chen Guanjing.

Xu Changsheng got ready and headed to the workshop.

Eldest Luo and Second Luo had been very obedient these past few days.

Even Shi Qian had been well disciplined.

But Wang Jiugui and Wang Gang had not been having such an easy time recently.