Chapter 93: This is Good! (Seeking Monthly Tickets!)_2

It's not to say that you can succeed just by copying.

But Xu Changsheng did it!

Guan Xiao had to admit that Xu Changsheng possessed a talent far beyond ordinary people.

However, he was somewhat wasting it!

Being able to completely master his own mechanical arm in just one morning, was that really skill?


Even just this skill alone could ensure Xu Changsheng a very comfortable life in this world.

But Guan Xiao still looked down on him.

"Is this the mechanical arm you made?" Guan Xiao asked once again.

Xu Changsheng nodded and said earnestly, "Yes, it is!"

Guan Xiao didn't expect the other party to be so righteously indignant, and he couldn't help but sneer.

"Oh... how many points do you give yourself?"

Xu Changsheng smiled, "At least 98 points!"

Guan Xiao was utterly convinced.

"You've got quite the nerve!"

Indeed, Guan Xiao was becoming more and more perplexed by Xu Changsheng.

Plagiarizing right in front of his own face.