Chapter 95: Kind-hearted Mr. Xu (Seeking Monthly Votes) - 1


When the leading soldier mentioned "Combat Mech Arm," the scene obviously quieted down.

Everyone had not expected the military to bring out this thing!

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened, staring at the man.

Including Xu Changsheng, who was just the same!

"Combat Mech Arms" are a general term for a type of Mechanical Arm!

If firearms are forbidden items for ordinary people,

then Combat Mech Arms are forbidden for anyone other than soldiers!

In the market, whether it's big specialty stores like Zesheng or those black markets of the underground order, the sale of Combat Mech Arms is not allowed.

Or perhaps it should be said that no organization or individual dares to collect, trade, sell, or even use such a Mechanical Arm.

It is the military's forbidden delicacy.

Xu Changsheng had heard of this kind of Mechanical Arm when he was still in school.

The books recorded that Combat Mech Arms are an important milestone in the history of Mechanical Arm development!