Chapter 97: Soul Corruption (First Update)_1

In a low, cold, damp alley.

Ivy clung to the walls, leaving no space bare.

It had just rained.

The road was wet, with moss sprouting everywhere, making the surface even more slippery.

The entire alley was overshadowed by the nearby, glittering Xifeng Building, hidden from the daylight.

"Damn it, lost again!"

"Feeling proud, are you, making me leave like this."

"You snobbish bastards, when I'm rich, I'll crush you with my money!"

A man staggered down the alley, with a cigarette butt clamped in his left hand, which glowed in the night sky, and in his other hand, he carried a bottle of cheap white liquor. Taking uneven steps, he moved deeper into the alley.

Clearly, the man was drunk. Distracted, he slipped on the moss, crashing into a wall corner. Reluctant to let go of the liquor bottle, he quickly grabbed the ivy with his left hand, still holding the cigarette, but still ended up falling heavily to the ground.

In his indignation, he violently tore off a large piece of ivy.