Chapter 119: Crisis Countdown!_1

Xu Changsheng sat in his office and turned on the television.

The live broadcast of the press conference was showing.

The scene was buzzing with noise, and everyone was in high spirits!

It was evident that this pharmaceutical development boosted the confidence that Bei City's elite class had in the August Research Institute.

After hesitating for a long time, Xu Changsheng still decided to call Zeng Qiang.

"Director Zeng, it's me, Xu. When you come back, could you bring me 10 vials of the medicine? I'll transfer the money to you."

"Sure thing, no problem."

Director Zeng was at the press conference, and right now, Xu Changsheng had to understand the properties of this medicine to confirm a few things!

Firstly, whether the medicine was the Lost Potion.

Secondly, whether there was any connection between the virus and the August Research Institute.

Honestly, the speed of this research was somewhat beyond what Xu Changsheng was comfortable with.

It was too fast!