Chapter 126: Transcendent Ceremony!_2


"I am Huai Sheng, and I've come to transform you!"

The ethereal voice traveled from afar, drawing closer,

Xu Changsheng watched as Huai Sheng stepped through the void, each step blossoming with lotuses, where the auspicious light touched, cliffs turned into green lands, lava transformed into clear springs, and the oppressive heat dissipated, leaving a misty scene akin to the abode of immortals!

This scene completely dumbfounded Xu Changsheng.

And he was not the only one frozen in place, unsure of what to do.

There it was—the colossal creature below!


Xu Changsheng also lowered his head, curious to see what God Bei really looked like.

But when he got a clear view, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but swallow hard, truth be told... he was nearly scared pissless!

What the hell is this thing?

The creature before him was a hundred zhang tall!

Its appearance was ferocious, its image horrifying!