Chapter 129: Damn, I've Been Duped! (10,000-word update, request for monthly pass)_2

Jiang Chuan was also dumbfounded.


If the people present weren't members of the Despair Church, his ritual... couldn't proceed either.

His ritual was called [Purification].

To purge rebellion, to cleanse evil...

Well, now!

Jiang Chuan looked around and none of these people resembled the Despair Church believers from before.

Every one of them looked spirited, obviously normal people.

Jiang Chuan instantly became somewhat angry!

Damn it!

His reaction device and power device activated at the same time, and he shot toward Xu Changsheng like a rocket!

At this moment, Luo Lan, watching the man in the sky, grew anxious!

But the battle just now had left her injured.

Meanwhile, Luo Xia, looking at Xu Changsheng opening his wings in the sky, couldn't help but mutter to herself:

"Why do I feel... he looks somewhat familiar?"

Upon hearing that, Luo Lan suddenly frowned, "There is something familiar, but... I can't put my finger on it."