Chapter 142: I, Changsheng, the Protagonist! (Asking for Monthly Ticket)_1

The wind swept across the wilderness, stirring the grass.

It revealed the hunters that were hidden within.

A pair of glowing eyes added an extra touch of ferociousness and wildness to the night.

This here was the wilderness, the territory of wild beasts.

Originally, they had believed that tonight would be a night of plentiful harvest and feasting!


It was because of this unexpected man and monkey duo that their nighttime snack had been canceled.

All the beasts were looking at a man in the middle.

Their eyes were filled with wariness.

Although they didn't understand the notion of showing off,

an innate primitive sense inside them was urging them to stay away from him!

It was the animals' sixth sense, as if… staying here for too long could lead to something nasty happening.

Moreover, the formidable Monkey King was still there.



At this very moment!

Zhu Lin turned around, looking at his brothers comprised of jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards.