Chapter 144: Nicholas Wing Chun Huaisheng! (Request for Monthly Votes)_2

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Upon seeing the system prompt, Xu Changsheng was momentarily dumbfounded.

He looked at his hands!

He then glanced at his 1% progress bar.

And then...

He lifted his head to look at Yue Qun's face again.

No wonder this guy managed to block his Lion's Roar Skill.

So that's how it is!

Those ears, damn, they're practically like wind-catching ears.

Xu Changsheng enviously looked at Yue Qun's delicate cheeks a few more times, took a deep breath.

And made an inhuman decision!


Bring it on!

Isn't it just 100 slaps?

Piece of cake!

But for Yue Qun, this slap.

Could be described as not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

He'd never been so humiliated in his life.




Yue Qun covered his face, his eyes widening as his rage peaked.

This is intolerable!

If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!