Chapter 157: Inventory Gains, The Competition Begins!_2

Because this manual meticulously records an experiment involving injecting wild beast genes, which are attached to anomalies, into the human body, transforming the human into a sort of beast.

However, at the end of this booklet, there are some fresh handwriting entries.

These were added by Liang Ge based on his own experiences.

It was these records that made Xu Changsheng's heart beat faster the more he read!

These gene warriors were very powerful.

They were in no way inferior to the Transcendents.

Even Transcendents could be turned into one of their experimental gene warriors.

They injected Divine Blood genes into the bodies of Transcendents, and the potent genes made the gene warriors incredibly formidable.

And Liang Ge had once found such a ruin, earning the favor of the God of Augustus through the experimentation records found within.

He used himself as the test subject and completed the Transcendent Ceremony.

Then he advanced to become Transcendent!