Chapter 159: Freeing the Elephants, Gaining Faith! (Please Subscribe)_1

In the next two days,

nearly all the staff in A District knew that a diligent new deputy director had arrived.

Up at dawn, working late into the night, he hardly slept or ate!

He worked even harder than the ordinary workers.

He was even more dedicated than the supervisors.

When eating, he merely took a few quick bites. The lavish meals sent to the cafeteria, he generously shared with everyone else.

Two days' time!

Not particularly long, yet not short either!

However, within those days, this Director Xu, right on the front lines, had completed the first Titan extraction and transportation task alongside the ordinary workers.

[Ding! Congratulations, the Purifier has been upgraded to Advanced Level!]

[Purifier: Advanced, collects 1 point of Titan Energy per second. Distance to Expert Level: 1/500000;]

Xu Changsheng felt a surge of joy.

One point per second!

That was a tenfold increase in speed.