Chapter 160: Stunning the Audience! (Thanks to the Alliance Hierarch 'Suìyuè Rúfēngqù' for the rewards, wishing their children peace!)_3


But now!

The huge stick suddenly stopped in its tracks.

The knife and the stick were stuck together in the air, motionless!

Jiang Chuan saw this and his hands glowed bright orange.

The commentator shouted loudly, "Not good, Jiang Chuan is using the power bestowed by God; Huai Sheng is in trouble!"

"Transcendent, indeed a Transcendent!"


Before the words could fall, Jiang Chuan felt that no matter how hard he pushed, the tip of his stick just couldn't advance any further!

Xu Changsheng's knife, though only supporting at a point, made Jiang Chuan feel as though it was an impregnable position no matter what!

At that moment, Jiang Chuan suddenly swung his stick, taking the long knife with it.

The stick and the knife danced in the air.

Just then!

Jiang Chuan suddenly turned around, and, unbeknownst to anyone, the other end of the long stick had morphed into a blade!

It swept directly toward Xu Changsheng's lower body.