Chapter 162: Cease Contact, Crisis is Imminent!_2

Xu Changsheng saw the message and immediately frowned. What on earth was going on?

He stepped on the accelerator and hurried to the August Research Institute.

What exactly had happened?

It took him ten minutes to reach the institute.

After entering the meeting room, everyone else was already there.

No one spoke up about Xu Changsheng's tardiness.

The atmosphere inside the room was clearly tense. Without a word, Xu Changsheng walked to a relatively inconspicuous spot and sat down.

Gao Min stood up, without a word, and played a video.

In the footage, three armored transporter vehicles carrying goods sped through the wilderness, flanked by eight light combat vehicles, with two aircraft overhead.

Xu Changsheng recognized them—it was the transportation convoy of the August Research Institute.

He was far too familiar with it these past few days!


Just then, as the convoy passed through a mountain road.
