Chapter 163: Shocking Secret!_3

The bone-fracture reductions that followed were all managed by Song Yaoci,

but Xu Changsheng definitely needed to help.

When he touched the blood vessels inside the pelvis, a crisp sound emerged in his mind.

[Blood vessels improved by the divine glory of the God of War: Greatly enhance the defensive and recovery capabilities of the vessels, and the dilation and contraction of the vessels can significantly boost your healing power! Highly worth recording!]

[Task requirement: Record information.]

[Task reward: Divine Light Blessed Blood Vessel Extract.]

Xu Changsheng's eyes instantly lit up as he carefully felt the blood vessels with his hand.

Watching the progress bar steadily rise, Xu Changsheng was filled with anticipation.

This thing is just too awesome!

Just think about it!

When you're fighting, and the enemy's blade strikes your body, only for them to realize there's no blood flowing?!

What a bug!

Xu Changsheng suddenly had a bold idea.