Chapter 39 School

It seems I was disturbed by the nightmare while picking up copper coins, but why did I see Zhang Ye later? Could it be his help that allowed me to defeat the nightmare? Or was he the nightmare itself, intentionally allowing himself to be vanquished by me in order to be freed?

If I can't figure it out, then I won't think about it. After all, the matter of the nightmare has come to an end, and it's good as long as everyone is alive.


I returned to the temporary school and continued my education, determined to end the lack of education that persisted through the generations in my family.

Although I no longer had a teacher as witty and humorous as Old Liu, I still worked hard to absorb knowledge, because I haven't forgotten the words Old Liu said to me on his deathbed, telling me to study hard and strive to become a useful person for the country.