Chapter 51 School 13

The person's face was no longer discernible, the whole face a bloody mess, with a collapsed nasal bridge; one could say the face had become a flat diagram, without a single elevated feature.

When it spoke, its mouth barely moved, and it was uncertain where the voice was coming from.

The reason I say it was originally him is that I recognized him from his clothes, the very same clothes that were carried away by the janitor, there was no mistaking it.

I cursed myself for the bad situation; people who die unnatural deaths tend to easily become fierce ghosts, and because of his young age, the resentment could be intense, making it very difficult to deal with, especially since I came empty-handed and totally unprepared.

Run? No, if it got out, it would surely harm people at random, and with each person it killed, its malice would grow heavier, and once the malice accumulated to a certain degree, even my master might have trouble dealing with it.