Chapter 118: Returning Home 7

The sedan chair carriers had been ready for a while, and upon hearing the master's loud shout, they quickly made their way over, standing before and behind the bridal sedan. Once a path was cleared, the two of them lifted the sedan and carried it into the main gate. As the bridal sedan entered, the crowd surged forward, all making their way into the courtyard.

It seemed the sedan chair carriers were also quite experienced with ghost weddings, and upon reaching the center of the courtyard, they stopped the sedan, waiting for my master's next instructions.

"Bride has arrived, groom smiles, step over the fire basin, and welcome into the home." After seeing the host place the fire basin at the entrance of the hall, I walked over to the side of the sedan and shouted, then instructed the bride's mother that she could now carry the spirit tablet out of the sedan.