040 An Unexpected New Member

After Ye Yuqiao stood up, Chen Hao led her to sit down on the sofa.

Chen Hao's eyes fixed on the ceiling without moving, he said in a daze, "When I saw Grandpa just now, I didn't dare to tell him that those dozen or so ghost children have already been transcended to the Netherworld!"

Seeing the somewhat sad expression on Chen Hao's face, Ye Yuqiao felt her heart unexpectedly flutter. Then, feeling scared, she closed her eyes until her heart settled down. Only then did she speak, "Next time you see Grandpa, just tell him the truth, Don't wait until he comes back to tell him, for fear that he will not be able to handle it then."

Chen Hao "Hmm"ed, and then pulled Ye Yuqiao into his arms, his eyes blinking as he looked at her delicate features.