083 Immortal Duel (Part 2)

The Corpse Driver Master's face twisted and deformed after Chen Hao struck him with a heavy punch, his right cheek squashed against his left, and the nose caught in the middle tore apart, turning into grains of fine sand.

When the right cheek naturally moved back to its original place, those grains of fine sand reverted to a nose once again.

"What's going on with you?" Chen Hao asked, his face a picture of astonishment as he gathered the Nether Eye Power in his left foot and then kicked out at the Corpse Driver Master's right knee.

There was another "crack" of breaking bone, yet the Corpse Driver Master's face remained devoid of pain as he smiled. Following that, the section of his right leg above the knee turned into grains of sand that fell to the floor, and two seconds later, rose back up to its initial spot, reconstituting into a whole leg.