A sad day

In the early hours, in Y City, within the intensive care unit.

Chen Che, whose Yin Soul had been taken away by Ma Mian and Niu Tou, relied on the oxygen mask to maintain his Yang Soul.

There were just over two months left until the deadline Ma Mian and Niu Tou had set for Chen Hao. Considering Chen Hao's current progress in martial arts cultivation, he had a great chance of defeating King Ning when the time came.

The pallid light in the hospital corridor shone through the glass, slightly illuminating Chen Che's peaceful yet aged face.

Suddenly, a gust of chilly wind blew in, causing everything in the ward, including the bed and the IV drip, to sway slightly.

Next, a strong stench of alcohol spread throughout the ward, followed by the appearance of a half-faced drunken immortal in tattered clothes. He floated over to the bedside and sneered at Chen Che lying on the bed, "Sorry about this! Blame it on your arrogant and presumptuous grandson!"