032 Incredible Rescue Operation

Suddenly, a loud "boom" echoed, causing thousands of people present to scream in terror.

Ye Fei and others such as Hua Shan quickly turned around to see the third mountain of the Six-Finger Range slowly collapsing.

"Rumble, rumble!" The ground shook and the seas rose and fell violently, while the five ships below the cliff swayed side to side.

"Bang, bang!" Countless rocks of various sizes fell from the cliff face onto the rescue ships, or plunged into the tumultuous waves.

The people at the edge of the cliff were already so frightened that they screamed incessantly.

"That mountain is being eroded by the flames!" exclaimed Hua Shan.

Ye Fei quickly shouted into the loudspeaker, "Everyone, don't panic, we can evacuate."

However, Ye Fei's calls failed to reach the ears of the extremely frightened crowd.