Chapter 43: Nightfall Organization Takes the Blame_1

"Have you seen him?" the Cultivation Department Tutor furrowed his brows deeply and immediately said, "What exactly happened at that time? Tell me everything."

Fang Ren displayed a troubled yet surprised look and said, "At that time, I really needed to pee and there was no restroom nearby... so I just went over there. Right when I was about to leave, I saw classmate Wang Shuai suddenly fly over, grabbed my collar with an angry face. I thought it was because of some conflict we had in the cafeteria that day, and he wanted to get back at me. But unexpectedly, he asked me if I had seen a man in black clothes, and then I said I didn't know. In the end, he just started searching the surrounding bushes, and since it had nothing to do with me, I just walked away. I never imagined he would... he would end up like this."

"A man in black clothes?" the Cultivation Department Tutor's expression grew more solemn.

"Could it be that he's not a student from our school?"