Chapter 64: The Curtain Falls_1


In the ruins of the schoolyard, the figure in the silver battle armor was pure and magnificent, like a fairy from legends, radiating an awe-inspiring aura that one couldn't help but revere and dare not approach.

She slowly swung the long spear in her hand behind her, and the spear transformed into a streak of silver light that entered the silver wheel on her back. The weapons on the disk were once again complete, casting wave after wave of brilliance around.


The silver wheel behind her soared into the sky again, turning into a huge heavenly disk that covered a five-mile radius.

She sent beams of silver radiance skyward from her body, ceaselessly infusing the huge heavenly disk with True Qi. Before long, white streams of light rained down from the sky above the entire area.

The streams of light fell to the earth, covering the school's streets, the small river, and the forests, extinguishing all the blue flames that were burning, unveiling a charred wasteland.