Chapter 116: The Importance of the Order of Appearance (Added)_1


Bai Qi took a small bite of the bun and said awkwardly, "Um, borrowing five hundred would be enough."

"Five hundred?" Fang Ren looked at her, "You're an aristocrat, usually a big spender. Can you really make do with just that little for a few days?"

"I can't borrow too much, or you won't have enough for your living expenses," Bai Qi said.

"You're thinking too much," Fang Ren laughed.

Even without the twenty million from Uncle Han, he could still maintain his living by selling low-grade elixirs. As long as he didn't sell the high-grade ones, no one would pay too much attention to him.

Bai Qi immediately shook her head while eating the bun, saying, "Five hundred is enough. I'll get a job and pay back not only this amount but also what I owe you from before as soon as possible."

"Pull the other one. Which shop would dare to hire you if you went out to work?"

"I can disguise myself. They won't know who I am."

"You're seriously going to work?"