Chapter 126: Rushing to Linglong Bay (Sixth Update)_1

Turning his head back to the classroom, Fang Ren stuffed Small Qianye back into his pocket. It wasn't that he didn't want the little guy to return, but after replenishing its energy in the Spiritual Root, the little creature simply didn't want to go back.

When he arrived at the classroom, Fang Ren saw that only two seats were vacant, both of which were to the left and right of Bai Qi.

The boys in the class cast "understanding" glances at him the moment he entered the classroom. Their looks seemed to speak volumes, conveying, "Go for it, Brother Ran. When it comes to seating arrangements in the class, we've got your back. All set and solid!"

Fang Ren slapped his forehead and sat down next to Bai Qi with a head full of black lines.

He had barely settled down when Small Qianye suddenly leapt out of his pocket. Fang Ren quickly caught it and whispered, "Class is about to start, you can't make any noise."