Chapter 139: Feng Mei's Intrusion_1

A few seconds later, Jian Qi'er pressed the answer button.

"Hello! Qi'er! What's going on? I've been calling all morning and you haven't picked up!"

A middle-aged woman's shout immediately came from the phone.

"Sister Mei, I...uh, I've got a fever." Jian Qi'er spoke in a feigned sick tone.

It must be said, a professional actor is just that—especially someone like Jian Qi'er, who could fake a fever to the point of seeming half-dead.

"What? You have a fever? Wait for me, I'm already at your community." The woman on the phone hurriedly hung up upon hearing this.

Beep beep beep...

Jian Qi'er stared blankly at the phone that had already hung up, suddenly feeling completely frazzled.


She immediately stood up and saw the blood all over her body and the trail of red footprints Fang Ren had left on his way to the bathroom.