Chapter 177: The Colorful Little Guy_1

Mu Hui saw him open the door and directly pushed Fang Ren on the chest with her palm to enter, while her other hand closed the door behind her and locked it.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Ren asked with a smile as he looked at her hand on his chest.

"I feel that Ah Ran has just made another breakthrough."

As Mu Huanqing spoke, she withdrew her palm from his chest and took off the straw hat on top of her head. Her white hair cascaded down, complementing her stunningly beautiful face, exuding an indescribable allure.

"I only broke through less than three minutes ago. Have you been standing outside this whole time?" Fang Ren said.

"Yeah, after Xiao Xi went back to his room to sleep, I wanted to come into your room, but you just closed your eyes and started to cultivate. And I could sense that your Realm was very unstable, showing signs of a breakthrough at any moment, so I didn't disturb you," Mu Huanqing explained.